Look what’s available for preorder!
From Powell’s…
…and Books-A-Million!
I promise you this is the funniest book you’ll ever read about a scavenger hunt across New York City…
…that incorporates plush-toy school mascots…
…horribly mangled plush-toy school mascots…
…non-mangled plush-toy school mascots in the vicinity of famous NYC landmarks like Central Park’s Bethesda Fountain…
…a fistfight between Times Square cartoon characters….
…and a mass riot of 12-year-olds (photo not available due to budget constraints) all clamoring to win front-row seats at Madison Square Garden!
The Tapper Twins Tear Up New York arrives in stores September 29th…but if you want to avoid the mass riot of 8-to-12-year-olds that will likely accompany its release, you can preorder now and have it delivered to your door when it comes out! Here are those links again:
And if you want to read a preview of the opening chapters, head over to TapperTwins.com.
See you in September!