If you’re a fan of the Tapper Twins books, did you know Claudia and Reese both have Instagram accounts? They use them to post pics of various things they get up to in New York City — mostly things that AREN’T in the books, so they’re worth checking out while you bide your time before The Tapper Twins Go Viral comes out.
SPEAKING OF WHICH: there are a ton of references in …Go Viral to videos that Claudia posts on line…and after the book comes out on April 4th, 2017, a bunch of those videos are going to wind up on Claudia’s Instagram page. So you’ll probably want to check those out starting in early April. In the meantime —
Click here for Claudia’s Instagram page!
Click here for Reese’s Instagram page!
When you do, keep an eye out for other Tapper Twins characters in the comment sections. Xander, James Mantolini, Sophie, Carmen, the Fembots, and others all might pop up from time to time.
And if you want to preorder The Tapper Twins Go Viral, you can do that at your local independent bookstore via Indiebound, or at Barnes & Noble, or at Amazon.